Talk:On the Jewish Question

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Revision as of 23:41, 16 October 2023 by Harrystein (talk | contribs)
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This is hosted on "leftist politically incorrect" servers no?

Considering that I don't see the point of trying to make everything like Wikipedia, including adopting Wikipedia's ruleset, templates and everything else. Also don't see the point in watering down stuff. There has to be a reason for this wiki to exist, ie to present something that other wikis would not, otherwise why not just edit wikipedia? Jack barn (talk) 23:43, 12 October 2023 (UTC)

Also given a choice between an entertaining set of truths about Marx and an obscured set of dubious statements to comfort anti-racist Marxists, a more readable wiki would adopt the former, particularly for a 'leftist politically inforrect' one.

That doesn't mean making this wiki a 'racist wiki' but telling the truth about someone's racism when it is uncomfortable and when it is politically incorrect. I thought was the point of this wiki was being leftist politically incorrect. Why all topics I try to write about are politically incorrect ones rather than a recitation of Wikipedia-style trivia. I haven't really researched the overall editing style of Harry and others, but I think everyone should at least acknowledge we're on leftypol's servers and not Wikipedias Jack barn (talk) 23:47, 12 October 2023 (UTC)

Full disclosure: Leftypedia was created by /leftypol/ users and has many users from that site. It is also obviously hosted on their servers. However, this is the extent of our affiliation. You can find the list of Aims here, which is in Category:Useful namespace categories. I stand by most of the guidelines on that page, including "This Wiki is not politically correct" and "This wiki is not politically incorrect." I understand these pages are not easily accessible, and I take full responsibility for that as I am still working on fixing the site and its rules since the old servers went down.
I believe that an adversarial approach, by which different editors synthesize their views into one page, will hopefully result in a Wiki which represents different perspectives by synthesizing facts ("original research", explicitly forbidden on Wikipedia) into something with a neutral and factual tone but without Wikipedia's obvious bias and propaganda. This should hopefully make sense to you given your interesting and useful contribs at Donald Trump containing information that Wikipedia:Donald Trump totally ignores. You are of course free to contribute useful information, novel sources, or even engaging rhetoric in order to make the site "entertaining". You are even allowed to make critical or charged edits like this so long as your argument is well-sourced, clearly argued, on-topic for the page, and open to criticism and revision. I feel compelled to say that on this page you have done none of these.
If you have better arguments, a better source than a lazy hit piece, and primary citations for the single-sentence Marx quotes, then your contribution would be well received at a relevant page titled "Views of Karl Marx on the Jews, Marx and anti-Semitism" etc. I suspect it would involve reading more than you bargained for from Marx. In any case, non-Marxists are welcome here, but lazy editing is not. Harrystein (talk) 19:27, 14 October 2023 (UTC)

However, this is the extent of our affiliation

I would suggest whoever owns it to register their own domain name. Telling me is not leftypol sounds a bit silly. Jack barn (talk) 02:49, 16 October 2023 (UTC)

This wiki is not politically incorrect

I would suggest changing that rule on wiki dot leftist politically incorrect dot org Jack barn (talk) 02:50, 16 October 2023 (UTC)
What material is being contributed to by yourself and the other editor that would not be allowed by Wikipedia? I haven't thoroughly gone through your edits, but I also don't see the point of a wiki where the admins or power users are just trying to copy Wikipedia. This isn't an opinion I arrived at due to disagreeing with this page. This is an opinion multiple people gave about this site on a Wikipedia criticism forum I'm on way before I touched this page. That everytime regular editors here swooped in, they were just trying to make the pages more like what is on Wikipedia. I said the same thing to the Justapedia guys, I don't get the point of having an independent wiki if the administrators don't want a fundamentally different set of values. Usually the first things independent wikis do is allow some degree of original research, just as a starting off point to depart from Wikipedia. Jack barn (talk) 02:54, 16 October 2023 (UTC)
If you have specific suggestions for how to improve the site, I would be happy to discuss them. Leftypedia:Suggestions would be the best place to do that.
This site does have a fundamentally different set of values, and it does emphasize original research, so I don't know what "politically incorrect" content is missing that would vastly improve the site. If you genuinely have not stumbled across any subversive or unique pages, I suggest starting at World War II, Famines in the Soviet Union, United States of America, Cuba, Venezuela, South Korea, Iraq. These are only examples of the most obvious type of bias, aside from the more subtle biases that Wikipedia has. My own edits, and those of Socius, do not reflect the general tenor of this website because they are focused on cleaning up the site, since it has been disused for a while. Watching the Recent Edits page may be why you get the impression this site is only a Wikipedia clone.
If there are people who are interested in improving the site, I would love to see their ideas at the Suggestion box as well. Again -- you are fully allowed to say that Karl Marx is an asshat so long as you argue your point. My suggestion that you read Marx to support your rhetoric is an excellent example of original research. We are here to learn and debate as leftists, and others can participate if they choose. Harrystein (talk) 23:41, 16 October 2023 (UTC)