Help:Editing Leftypedia

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Wikitext is roughly the same among different Mediawiki wikis. You can use the resources offered by Wikipedia to learn how to properly edit pages on Leftypedia. Nevertheless, there are a few points that are specific to this site and need to be clarified.


We've restricted the editing of userpages (even your own) to trusted contributors. This was done because of an issue with spam bots only editing their own userpage. If you want to edit your own userpage please make a couple of edits on the wiki first so we can tell that you're legit.


Because of technical reasons involving the current webhosting plan of Leftypedia, the wiki cannot import LUA based templates from Wikipedia. This means you cannot copy templates using any "#invoke" statements. For the time being, we will have to make due with the ParserFunctions, Variables, and Loops extensions, which offer much of the same functionality. This nonetheless means that instead of using the very general modules supplied by Wikipedia, many of our templates will have to depend on dirty hacks. (Looking at the bright side, dirty hacks are more fun.)

You can request additional extensions (that don't require root access) and find help building the templates you need by contacting User talk:CyberSynGang.

Original templates

One of the long-running objectives of this site is to make navigating leftist topics easier than on other wikis. To this end, we have several original templates related to leftist topics to facilitate leftist study and discourse.

The following is not a comprehensive list and is not likely to be up to date. Please see Category:Original templates for other Leftypedia templates.

For a complete list of templates, including technical templates and those imported from Wikipedia, see here.

Navigation templates

Works by Marx and Engels

Sidebar templates

Infobox templates

Issue templates

User page templates

Put these templates on your userpage. Please don't use them in articles on the site.

Citing sources

For help citing sources, see these links.