Alex Podnebesny

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Alex Podnebesny (Russian: Алексей Николаевич Поднебесный, Алексей Поднебесный), also known as Alex Undersky, Alexey Podnebesny, Alexei Nikolaevich Podnebesny, or mistranslated as Celestial Empire, is a Russian communist political activist, self-described incel activist,[1][2][3] former academic, former criminal prosecutor and lawyer known for his misogynistic views. He was the founder of the now defunct Anti-feminist Left Front and Movement Against Involuntary Celibacy political party.[4][5] He is also a media personality in Russia, amassing over 100 references in Russian mainstream media.[6]



His main academic works are about neurodivergent crime. He is most famous for his theory of 'vaginocapitalism', which is a theory that women collectively deny sex to men in order to extract wealth from them.


Alex is also known for his environmental activism and his run-ins with his local anti-extremism center, which has tortured Alex once and detained Alex multiple times over disagreements about construction and incel rhetoric.[citation needed] Alex has also been a victim of punitive psychiatry in Russia, which never really went away after the USSR disappeared. As a lawyer, Alex has successfully fought against further illegal instances of punitive psychiatry against him.[citation needed]


Personal life

Alex lives in a small room he purchased for around $800 he saved up from a previously lucrative job. However, he often does not make enough money to feed himself, and asks his fans to donate money to him.[citation needed]

Current wife

Alex's current wife[who?]

Alex has been married multiple times, and is currently married to a fellow incel activist. His current wife[who?] supports his views and has been seen at rallies advocating for incels.[7] His wife was fired from her teaching job for vocally opposing the war in Ukraine.

See also
