Post-left anarchism

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Post-left anarchism, sometimes shortened to post-leftism, is a contemporary movement within anarchist thought which rejects left-wing politics and socioeconomic views. Post-leftists generally emphasize radical individualism and similar concepts, and are often associated with the anti-work movement. Post-leftists also reject the concept of ideology as a whole, viewing it as nothing more than a framework of ideas to subjugate other members of society and consider left-wing anarchism and communism to be extensions of that oppression.[1]

The movement is generally influenced by the works of Max Stirner and Wolfi Landstreicher, but others like Ted Kaczynski and various nihilist authors are also associated with this position due to their reactionary social views and disdain for leftism and socialism. Other anarchist groups such as mutualists sometimes associate with this tendency as well.[2]

See also

External links

  • r/antiwork, community on Reddit promoting refusal to work. Many of its members are post-left anarchists


  1. Jason McQuinn (10 December 2009). "Post-Left Anarchy: Leaving the Left Behind" The Anarchist Library
  2. Evan Jack (7 October 2021). "A Farewell to Post-Left Anarchy" The Anarchist Library