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This page lists various online leftist podcast-style programs alongside short descriptions of their aims. Please add any additional podcasts you find.

Title and Link Status Host(s) Description
Chapo Trap House Active Will Menaker, Felix Biederman. Also Matt Christman (on hiatus); formerly including Amber A'Lee Frost and Virgil Texas. Satirical takes on the news from the "dirtbag left".
Cum Town Concluded Nick Mullen, Adam Friedland, Stavros Halkias Vulgar humor on various topics, sometimes with a left-wing slant. Associated with Chapo Trap House.
Zero Squared Active Douglas Lain, Zero Books publisher[clarification needed] Deals with various left-wing topics covered by their authors.
From Alpha to Omega Active Tom O'Brien Various leftist topics.
Revolutionary Left Radio Active [various] A variety of podcasts on "Communist Philosophy, Proletarian History, Critical Theory, & Revolutionary Politics."
The Jimmy Dore Show Active Jimmy Dore Commentary on the news; very critical of mainstream media and the democratic party.
The Michael Brooks Show Active Michael Brooks News commentary with some discussion of leftist theory and history.
Citations Needed Active Nima Shirazi and Adam Johnson Podcast going deep in the analysis of bullshit peddled by the American media.
The Discourse Collective Inactive various Irregular podcasts on various topics.
General Intellect Unit Concluded Discussions of books covering the relationship between leftism and technology.
Swampside Chats Active Bong rip takes on Marxist theory as well as "enemy camp" stuff.
Emancipation Network Active Marxist podcast network and research collective.
Proles of the Round Table Active Podcast about leftist (socialist) history.
Novara Media Podcast Active Podcast by the radical-leftist media organisation Novara Media.
This is Hell Active This is Hell is a weekly longform political interview program broadcast across Chicago on WNUR since 1996.
Total Liberation Concluded YouTubers Mariane (A Privileged Vegan) and Mexie. Holistic theory of leftist veganism and anti-imperialism. Known as "Vegan Vanguard" until November 2021.[1]
Blowback Active Brendan James, Noah Kulwin Nonfiction history podcast concerned with one American foreign intervention per season. The four existing seasons cover the 2003 Iraq War, the Cuban Revolution, the Korean War, and the decades-long Afghan conflict, respectively. The fifth season, announced 2024, will concern Cambodia during the US intervention in Southeast Asia (the "Vietnam War").



See also