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Grifting is a colloquial term which in leftist discourse refers to the act of profiting off of the public espousal of a political or ideological message. The primary aim of the grift is to build up sufficient name recognition within a certain area of politics in order to then be able to tell the sheep what they want to hear but for a price. Grifters usually sell (many) books, speaking engagements, branded merchandise and more. While present across all areas of politics it is an especially acute phenomenon on the far-right and with particular prevalence in conspiratorial circles. Grifters will often artificially generate scandal and outrage among their base in order to justify their existence and to proliferate the grift.

Notable examples

Notable examples include Alex Jones, Milo Yiannopoulos, Andy Ngo, Jackson Hinkle, Trevor Loudon and Carl Benjamin.

See also