Political catgirls

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Alunya and Rodina, the mascots of /leftypol/ and GETchan respectively.

Political catgirls personify different political ideologies and came about by the imageboard tradition of mascots. In 2015, /leftypol/ users were designing their mascot, and they decided it should be a cute anime catgirl based on Sabot Cat.[1] Thus, Cat-Alunya (a pun on Revolutionary Catalonia) was born.


Banner for the PICG webcomic

After seeing Alunya and Rodina, @catgirlspls was inspired to draw a webcomic depicting various political ideologies personified as catgirls. Even though the comic has been discontinued, other drawfags have taken it upon themselves to add more catgirls representing other tendencies that were not in the comic.

External links


  1. "The Time r/Socialism banned catgirls".