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The third position or the third international Theory is a a category of ideologies that apply characteristics from the far left and the far right.

Ideologies in third position.


National-Bolshevism is socialism with nationalist characteristics. National bolshevism has been mostly considered a joke but in reality it is a real ideology. National bolshevism started from Germany from a man called Karl Otto Paetel when he published a book known as the national bolshevikist manifesto and was popularised by Eduard Limonov and Aleksandr Dugin.


National-Communism is a variant of National-bolshevism National Communism is national bolshevism with Marxist-Leninist characteristics. This ideology is usually associated with with Romanian leader Nicolae Ceaușescu.


Socialist-Conservativism is not to be confused with social-Conservativism. Socialist-conservatism is Culturally conservative and economically socialist.


Prussian socialism believes in lot in of 19th century German nationalism and it is economically socialist. this could be described as proto strasserism.


Strasserism is basically German Nazism that is economically socialist. Strasserism believes in a Socialist proletariat revolution and the cooperation with the German reich and the east to defeat the corrupt West. Strasserism comes from the works by the strasser of Brothers Otto Strasser, Gregor Strasser.

The Fourth Political Theory

The Fourth Political Theory is a Ultranationalist variant of National-bolshevism created by Russian philosopher Aleksandr Dugin. Fourth Political Theory also known as Eurasiaism believes in a unified Eurasian unifieded that unifies the continents of Europe and Asia. It also believes in anti-zionism and anti-Capitalism, Anti-liberalism,neoliberalism Anti-imperialism,.culturally Russian Ultranationalist and economically socialist.


National Syndicalism is an economically socialist and a culturally right wing ideology, based upon the beliefs and thinking of Georges Sorel. It opposes Capitalism,Liberalism,imperialism,atheism. National Syndicalism was originally a socialist ideology but as evolved into a from of fascism.


Nazi Maoism is a ideology that originates from a movement known as "Struggle of the People" which was started in Italy in 1968. Nazi-Maoism is similar to a form strasserism with maoist characteristics. Nazi-Maoism believe the Maoist guerrilla strategy of people's war to overthrow the government and the bourgeoisie After that they will established a fascist socialist state.


Peronism is a Argentina believe that comes from Argentine ruler Juan Perón. Peronism could literally be described as Social-fascism Because of its fascist and social democratic characteristics.


was an official party ideology of the "Popular Movement of the Revolution" as well as the official state ideology in Zaire. Mobutism comes from the beliefs of Mobutu Sese Seko former President of Zaire now the the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Mobutism advocates for a national revolution that is described to be a national revolution that is neither "Capitalist or communist" but socialist and ultranationalist.It also believes in state ideology also known as Authenticité. And rejects modern religions and instead wants everyone to worship Mobutu Sese Seko.


Gaddafiism also kown as Third International Theory is a ideology that comes from from the beliefs of Former Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi. It believes in Socialism with a democratic state and contains Ultranationalism and some similarities to Ba'athism.


Khomeinism believes seeks to revolt & establish sharia law. It derives itself from Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, leader of Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. It is economically center-left or third positionist. Notably, it is the governing ideology of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the ideology of the militant Lebanese political party Hezbollah.Khomeinism believes in Theocratic Shia Islam nationalism that is social democratic.

Syrian Social Nationalism

Syrian Social Nationalism is an ideology which aims to nationalise the region of the Levant and Mesopotamia to create a unitary and centralised, Social Nationalist civilisation state within the geographical boundaries of the Fertile Crescent also referred to as Greater Syria.Syrian Social Nationalism founded by a man called Antoun Saadeh who is an anti-communist and Anti-capitalist, advocating for an economic third position. Antoun Saadeh was very philosophical, culturally right-wing and places a large emphasis on hierarchy, authority and order.. Historically it has been a revolutionary ideology opposing European colonialism and Zionism, going as far using suicide bombers against Israeli military targets. Saadeh believes in equality and secularism.

Pol Potism

Pol Potism is an Agrarian-Socialist Anti-Urban, ethno-ultranationalist, anti-intellectual and highly genocidal ideology influenced by Maoism and T̶h̶e̶ ̶C̶I̶A̶. Pol Potism is and ideology about ideals of the Former Prime Minister of Cambodia back then kown as Khmer Rouge Pol Pot.


National-anarchism is a nationalist ideology which advocates racial separatism, racial nationalism, ethnonationalism and racial purity.National-anarchists claim to syncretize neotribal ethnic nationalism with philosophical anarchism, mainly in their support for a stateless socialist society while rejecting anarchist social philosophy.The main ideological innovation of national-anarchism is its anti-state palingenetic ultranationalism.National-anarchists advocate homogeneous communities in place of the nation state. National-anarchists claim that those of different ethnic or racial groups would be free to develop separately in their own tribal communes while striving to be politically meritocratic, economically non-capitalist, ecologically sustainable and socially and culturally traditional.National-Anarchism opposes both Marxism and Capitalism instead going for autonomous communes that should be run in a Mutualist stlye. Literally be described as anarcho mutualism fascist edition


Mladorossism advocates for a Russian Monarchy under a Soviet-style system with a socialist economy. Mladorossism comes from the Russian political group "Union of Mladorossi"


Ethnocacerismo is based on a radical Indigenism that has a socialist government led by indigenous people, and also places a lot of emphasis on the racial supremacy of the indigenous peoples and a strong Military. Ideology comes form a movement in Peru that was started in 1987 called "Ethnocacerist movement".

Black Lilyism

Black Lilyism is a ideology that comes from French political movement Black Black Lilyism is an Anarchist monarchist ideology that is economically agrarian socialist. Black Lylism promotes the return to a heavily decentralized agrarian monarchy and the destruction of all forms of modernism and modernity claiming that modern technology aims to enslave people.Black Lylism want to restrict technology by banning them. Black lilysm claims to be promoting a vision of so-called “Hyper France” and to defend the concept of “Ancient man” meaning a pre-modern society man.

Ideology of CPGB-ML

The communist party of great Britain (Marxist-leninist) has a social conservative ideology with marxist-leninist characteristics and unholy worship of socialist leaders especially Joseph Stalin CPGB-ML is transphobic and homophobic because they claim that identity politics are reactionary Also CPGB-ML claims order to be a proletarian worker you must look like a 90s working class person. CPGB-ML is famously anti-zionist and Anti-Revisionist.It also has a lot of Hard Euroscepticism.