Stereotypes of the left

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There are many false or otherwise unfair stereotypes of the left. This page is meant to catalogue, refute or nuance such ideas.

Stereotypes about left-wing beliefs

Outdated remain of the 19th/20th century

This stereotype is mostly about communism. Marx and Engels wrote their analysis and criticism when capitalism has just started to appear, in the 19th century. The efforts to establish a communist society range further back, but Marx and Engels were the first ones to put it on a scientific basis. Some criticize that this was long ago, and argue that the economy has begun to work differently since then. That is wrong, it may have changed its appearance, but the structures remain the same. (I think there were some paragraphs in "Imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism" addressing specifically that claim, someone who remembers please insert)

Most socialist revolutions happened in the 20th century, resulting in the creation of the Soviet Union, the East Bloc, and some other states (although some argue that these were not socialist). After the Counterrevolution of 1991, only a few of these were left (from 0–5, depending on what tendency you ask), scattered across the earth and constantly having to fight against imperialist sanctions and aggression. This makes some believe that communism (or even all leftism) has failed, and will never be relevant again. But that is just a temporary setback. Looking back, capitalism was also only established after many setbacks. Arguing that communism is outdated because the Soviet Union didn't succeed is like arguing that capitalism is outdated (it is, but for other reasons) because the French Revolution of 1789 didn't succeed. (I think there's some relevant quote, maybe from Stalin but I'm not sure, something about "there will be setbacks on the path of the revolution".)

Take everyone's stuff

(private property vs. personal property) The myth of "The lefties taking everyone's stuff" is made by the misinterpretation of Private property vs Personal property, as often these words (private, personal) mean similar things outside of politics. Personal Property is a home, a computer. Private Property is Factories, Workplaces. A way the Bourgeoisie could possibly keep the myth going: “We worked hard to build the plant! It’s my personal building!”.


Stereotypes about left-wing people

Violent radical wanting to destroy everything

(Especially about anarchists) (Has a few truth to it, but very exaggerated and used to justify oppression)

Lazy, envious person

(that stereotype about leftists not wanting to work hard, claims that rich work hard, leftists wanting to take rich people's well-earned stuff because they are envious)

Edgy teenager

This is especially about communists and anarchists. Some reactionaries cannot or do not want to believe that there are serious leftists are there, and dismiss all of them as teenagers who are just looking for attention. If they really want to get their "point" across that none of the people leftism claims to support are actually leftist, they may call the followers "white middle-class college students". In fact, while there are some who are just looking for attention, there are many serious leftists who are committed to the cause. The October Revolution certainly was not done by middle-class college students. Neither do the FARC and the NPA consist of white kids looking for attention. Basically any leftist organization consists of people who are serious about it, who took the effort to set it up and to withstand the reactionary oppression. It should also be mentioned that dismissing teenagers because of their age is wrong, they also can be serious about leftism. And if they are not, it may be worth to try converting their attention-seeking into a serious commitment. It is important to have a good basis in the youth as well. There is a caveat if one looks into and join political organizations in the United States that are in the Far left political spectrum, the majority of the members do in fact encompass the "white middle-class college student" stereotype with few exceptions here and there among membership of each respective organization. This is where opponents get their impressions from and develop their stereotyping from, through these experiences. Majority of those opponents who develop these experiences tend to only interact with the Student and youth organizations within colleges because they themselves are "middle class" and had attended college at some point in their lives.

Stereotypes about left-wing governments

Oppressive dictatorship

(Allende's Chile vs. fascist dictatorship after the coup)

Completely failed economy

(Soviet Union: no crisis during "great depression") (DPRK and sanctions) (no unemployment)

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