Democratic Republic of Afghanistan

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Socialism was difficult to implement in Afghanistan because of how poorly developed it was. Afghanistan has developed very little in thousands of years, meaning that basic concepts that socialism builds upon, like nation states, separation of powers, and rule of law were alien to the typical person. In Afghanistan, central government is very weak outside the near periphery of the capital, which is composed almost entirely of small villages and tribes. The backwardness of the people meant that basic developments in socialism, such as establishing literacy and schools as well as carrying out land distribution, went over poorly. Tribal and feudal areas of the country often straight up refused to allow women to become educated and to put their children into the newly-secularized school system. There was little class struggle in Afghanistan too, given how little the country progressed through the typical stages of history, so land redistribution was seen as a largely unfair move, even by the recipients of land, that was generally met with antagonism.