Communist party

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A communist party is a political party based on the principles of communism and intended to constitute the working class into a party consistent with its class interests, with the abolition of private property as a main objective. The theoretical conclusions of the communist party are based on the existing relations of production and the class antagonisms that they create.

Many political parties have existed that styled or named themselves communists and advocated the maintenance of private property through various schemes, usually by advocating nationalisation from above where the immediate producers continue to confront the means of production as their non-property. Most of these parties have a Stalinist ideology.[tendency-based slant] These parties are not considered in this article.


It is debatable whether the communist party is or should be a vanguard party.

Mass or minority party

Debate exists as to whether the communists should try to form as mass political party and movement or focus on a minority or cadre party.


There is considerable debate about the most appropriate decision-making structure of the communist party. Democratic centralism, federalism and organic centralism are some proposed structures.
